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Integrate UK — by young people for young people.
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With your valued donations, we will continue our projects to raise awareness and help children and young people achieve their full potential.
Latest news and events from Integrate Uk.
Youth Conference 2023
On the 10th November 2023, our young activists showcased and celebrated their achievements…
Include The 36
Read and sign our petition to #IncludeThe36 here…
IUK Youth Conference
On the 4th November 2022, our young activists showcased and celebrated their achievements …
Freelance Media Partner Wanted!
Our youth led charity Integrate UK is looking for an experienced, freelance media partner …
Films that defy – kicking gender sterotyping to the kerb
Three great new release films developed by young activists at Integrate UK, all inspired b…
We are winners!
We won Silver in its category at the Charity Film Awards!