This conference took place on 7 February 2015.

Inviting young people, teachers, professionals and anyone interested in ending FGM and gender based violence.

Our young people will be demonstrating the media based educational resources they have made in a series of workshops. FGM safeguarding training and a workshop around difficult conversations will also be on offer.

The conference aims to:

  • Show how easy it is to engage in positive and empowering discussion around challenging issues.
  • Empower teachers and any other professionals working with young people, to introduce education and awareness raising in schools, youth groups or similar settings.
  • Highlight the importance of effective and robust FGM safeguarding training.
  • Improve professionals’ confidence in terms of how to respond appropriately to disclosures and engage in difficult conversations.


  • Delegates can sign up to four workshops on the day. The 10 available workshop resources are user friendly, interactive, sensitive and age-appropriate.

In addition to the workshops, the young people will be launching their new song, making speeches and giving a variety of short performances.  We are delighted that the youth group Empowering will also be joining us and offering their own workshops around FGM.

Lunch and refreshments are provided.

Book now

More details

Download the programme, including workshops:
Integrate Bristol Conference Programme, 7 Feb 2015

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